At Kensington Avenue Primary School, we understand that regular attendance plays a crucial role in a child's academic progress, wellbeing, and overall development. To ensure that each child benefits fully from the education they are entitled to, it is essential for parents and the school to work together in promoting good attendance and punctuality
We celebrate good attendance and punctuality.
After all they are important life skills and we should always remember that it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their child is in school and working!
We also recognise the need to tackle any issues surrounding attendance and punctuality, we have a Family support worker who supports families in raising their child’s attendance by supporting to eliminate barriers to their child attending school, we have a proactive Education Welfare Officer who meets with families to establish why the child’s attendance is low and what steps can be taken to rectify this.
Low attendance impacts significantly on children's wellbeing and progress.
New statutory guidance has been issued by the Department for Education which came into effect on 19th August 2024. The new guidance gives no entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must only be in exceptional circumstances and the Head Teacher must be satisfied that the circumstances are exceptional and warrant the granting of leave.
Head Teachers would not be expected to class any term time holiday as exceptional. Parents can receive a Penalty Notice from the Local Authority for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.
Parents choosing to remove their child/ren from learning may be liable to a Penalty Notice the fine for school absences is £80 if paid within 21 days, or £160 if paid within 28 days.
Ms R Meggiolaro - I am the Education Welfare Officer for Kensington Avenue Primary school.
I work closely with the Kensington Avenue Primary School to support parents in improving their child’s attendance. I work with parents of pupils that fall below 90% attendance.
I meet with parents to discuss their child’s low attendance. I work with families to overcome any obstacles that may cause low attendance. Offering support, advice and working collaboratively with all parties.
I am available on Tuesdays and Thursday at Kensington Avenue Primary School. If you wish to speak to me, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Ms P Bhambra - I am the Family Support worker at Kensington Avenue Primary School.
I work closely with families whose children have low attendance, finding strategies and solutions to how we can improve their child’s attendance. Improved attendance impacts positively on their child’s education and social skills.
I also co-ordinate the assemblies and rewards for good attendance and punctuality.
Parents are always welcome to contact me if they have any concerns regarding their children's attendance or punctuality.
Studybugs allows you to electronically send a message to school to notify us of your child's absence.
Please report your child's absence using the Studybugs app.
Follow the link below to report or register for Studybugs.
Head teachers are no longer allowed to authorise any absence unless there are exceptional circumstances but this form MUST be completed to advise us of a Leave of Absence at all times. (This includes religious observance, funerals, weddings and any other circumstances whereby the child is absent from school). Please take any evidence you may have to the school office.
Please click the link below to complete and submit an ELOA form – This form is to be completed by the parent/Carer at least 10 working days before the proposed absence. We can only consider requests from those with parental responsibility.