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At Kensington Avenue Primary School, we offer a wide range of exciting and engaging clubs during lunchtime and after school to support the interests and development of our pupils. We aim to provide a range of provisions that will appeal to all children so that every child can find a club that interests them These clubs are designed to enhance learning, encourage creativity, and promote teamwork, providing all children with opportunities to explore new skills and hobbies in a fun and supportive environment.

Our clubs cater to various year groups, from Reception to Year 6, and include a mix of academic, creative, and physical activities.

Monday Maths Ms Skeete 6 15:15-16:00
Reading Mrs Bray 6 15:15-16:00
Football Mr Kelly 4 and 5 15:15-16:00
Tuesday Maths Ms Skeete 6 15:15-16:00
Reading Mrs Bray 6 15:15-16:00
Digital Leaders



Miss Nadia KS2 Lunchtime
JagTag Mr Barquinha 5 and 6 15:15-16:15
Netball Mr Kelly 4 and 5 15:15-16:00
Wednesday Coding Miss Nadia 1 Lunchtime
Multi skills Mr Kelly 3 and 4 15:15-



Choir Mr Bell



4-6 15:15-



Thursday  Maths Ms Skeete 6 15:15-16:00
Reading Mrs Bray 6 15:15-16:00
Gardening Ms Pringle 5 15:15-16:00
Choir Mr Bell KS2 15:15-16:00
Multi skills Mr Kelly 1 and 2 15:15-16:00
Multi skills Mr Kelly Reception Lunchtime
Coding Miss Nadia 2 Lunchtime
Friday Performing Arts Stars Performing Arts 2-4 15:15-16:00