Dear Parents, Carers and members of the wider community
Welcome to Kensington Avenue Primary School. We are a community academy, part of The Manor Trust, situated on a site surrounded by green, outdoor spaces which we use for learning and play. The school is designed for children from age 3+ (Nursery/Reception) to age 11 (Year 6).
We are a team of staff who aim to create a school in which every pupil will flourish in a caring, happy environment. Our staff care for the children and work to develop strong, meaningful relationships with them and yourselves as we see their learning as a partnership.
We have high expectations of every one of our children. Our ethos is to teach children to take responsibility for their actions, their environment, and most importantly, for their learning. Children are taught the values that help them become confident, resilient and caring individuals and successful members of society who persevere in their learning. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. Teachers harness children’s natural curiosity and desire to learn, making learning stimulating and enjoyable. We support all children at an individual level, whatever their learning strengths and needs.
We strongly believe in the importance of developing a supportive partnership between home and school. This is essential if children are to achieve their full potential and to grow as individuals. With TEAM as our ethos, we work with you to support our children to develop the skills that they will need in later life. We want all of our children to be happy, confident learners and to aim high!
Our community is warm and vibrant. We provide a caring and secure environment in which children are valued as individuals and where they can develop an appreciation of the cultures and beliefs of others in our school community and beyond. To do this we also work with the wider community to give our pupils opportunities to understand the importance of this, we have good links with St Oswald’s, Palace for Life, Croydon Sports Partnership and are always keen to develop more. Children enjoy the variety of clubs we provide including ICT, PE, creative learning and games.
We hope our website will answer many of your questions but should you have further queries, please telephone, email or visit the school – you will be most welcome. We hope that you will share our ambitions and aspirations for your children.
We invite you to come and visit us, we look forward to meeting you.